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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Rainy Season

I decided to head to town right at the time when a very dark cloud covered the sky. I had to bike hard against the wind and try to keep my skirt down as I battled time to get to the internet cafe. :) People yell out "Muzungu!" as they cheerfully watch a white person bike by. I made it fifteen minutes down the road, just in time to hop inside before the skies opened. Every evening for the past five days it has rained and it is really refreshing. (By the way, my knee is healing just fine since the first accident.)

Today I biked to the Bible College to pray with the students who have just completed another semester of learning. Then I talked to two wonderful ladies, named Helen and Prossy... they will bring me soon to a village where goats have been given as a gift to the community. I look forward to getting out of Soroti.

I read once in a East Africa travel book that Soroti is Grotti and it's kind of the truth. Garbage abounds and many buildings are have completed. It's rather sad. There are many neglected children that fill the streets and yards. Those that do go to school wear very colourful uniforms - bright blue, or green and orange. Chickens, goats, guinea fowl, about 10 variety of lizards, cows, sheep, can all be seen roaming just outside my gate.

Two and a half weeks have flown by already, but it is good to call Soroti home.

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