At our last Bible study, the Princesses asked if they could have a small good-bye party at my house on Monday. At first they were thinking of juice and popcorn and inviting their boarding house parents. On Sunday I received an official invitation to attend the party at my house and they asked me to be the Master of Ceremonies. (Is it still master if I AM WOMAN?)
On Monday they started coming over at 11 am with arm loads of stuff. I don't know where the girls got the budget from, but there were chickens, potatoes, flour, cabbage, a charcoal stove, trays, a crate of soda, and more.

Some of the girls worked very hard in the kitchen. Below you see a shot of dough that will turn in to Chapatis, or Indian flatbread.

The girls also made paper decorations and hung balloons all over my dining room and living room. Chairs were lined up. It was going to be yet another formal party.

The girls that I had weekly Bible studies with also put together a small choir, called "Echoes of Thunder" and they sang a few beautiful numbers during the program.

The hard rains delayed the party from 3 pm til 6:30 pm, but that didn't damper it at all. A pastor came to encourage the girls, the boarding house parents and guard all said a few words, Scripture was read, songs sang, and yummy food was eaten.
Much to my surprise the evening ended up being a blessing to me as well. Such encouraging words from the girls, and their respected elders, that I knew without a doubt God has used me this year.
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