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Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Around the house
Monday, May 18, 2009
Switching Activities
Here is Moses, standing beside the grave of his mother... whose name was also Angela. Moses really has no idea who all the relatives are. To him they are just strange people who want to hold him, but for the family, they are delighted to see Moses so healthy and growing so big.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Simple Sayings
On a more serious note... yesturday morning I went out for a walk to find all the keys that had disappeared out of my pocket. I had no idea there was a hole in my pocket and I lost my house, gate, bike, and mailbox keys. Anyways, I tried to walk the same route I had traveled the night before, in search of these silly keys. I wasn't feeling well either so that didn't help. I have no idea what my face was looking like but my neighbour and "brother" Denis saw me coming up the road. He greeted me by saying "Sister, what are you doing?" I told him my situation, and he said, "You shouldn't be so stressed. I haven't had work for a whole year and I haven't killed myself." Well, that quickly changed my mood. Ya, why worry about a few keys.
This morning I bought new padlocks for the house and gate and spoke to the post office. All is well, and now I know how to pray even more clearly for Denis. He is busy studying paliative care and is one of the sweetest men I have ever met. He is about to become a first time daddy in July and I am excited for him!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Just as the game was finished, dinner was brought out. Yummy, but tough, pork on a plate with 5 spoons. We all sat on the floor of his simple home and took dinner together. I loved it! And then, as curfew drew near and the rains were pouring, I was brought home on a motorcycle. Just as I got to the gate, I realized that my guard couldn't here me and the padlock was already on for the evening. No problems I thought - I have my keys, but when I went to search for them, they were not there... just a hole in my pocket. Yikes. After a few minutes the guard let me in and I borrowed my extra set of house keys from the Sliedrechts.
Now this morning, just to be honest, I am having major stomach issues, and I have no idea if I drank bad water with the pork, or if I am stressed about my keys being lost somewhere in the neighbourhood, but I hope I don't have to spend all day in the house. I was just starting to enjoy getting to know more good friends.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
A Village Journey
I found a remote outhouse to take a "short call" and then explored the school grounds while the meeting hall was being set up under a large mango tree.
The day's objective - to meet with the CAAF (Children Affected by Armed Forces) kids and families, to see the work that is being done in that community, and to educate some Sri Lankan leaders (who joined us on the road trip) so that they can learn how to reach out to the kids who are currently being affected by war.
Once upon a time, there were normal families working in the villages. The children helped to work in the gardens and the girls helped prepare the meals.
(Occasionally a LRA informant would be one of the children sitting in the circle - so the war took a long time to recover from.)
Clothes (they said that they borrowed clothes to look smart for today's presentation, otherwise they look shabby)
Monday, May 11, 2009
Then Saturday night I had another 22 people in my living room for praise and worship. I find singing and praying really refreshing.
Sunday morning I taught 90 plus children the story of the "Tower of Babel" and they did a presentation in church. It was super cool to sing "The Wise Man Built his House upon the Rock"!
And then last night, after just posting on Facebook that people should pray for rain here, the thunder started to roar and lightening could be seen in the distance. My team-mates and I sat around a campfire and cooked hotdogs and smores for Mother's Day. Around midnight the skies decided to let the rain fall from the clouds and it was simple amazing. A huge answer to prayer for all the dry and thirsty crops here.... and it rained ALL night. How would I know? Well, I was freezing and wide awake between 2 and 4 so I peeled mangos and made mango juice while watching a movie in the middle of the night.
So then today I taught school in the morning, raced to the market for a few groceries, and spent an hour preparing lunch for 5 people who work in a Support Development office next door. From there I went to mentor a friend on how to teach children's ministry... and by 5 I decided I needed to quit running for the day. I am absolutely exhausted, but glad that my days are getting fuller. I do have a purpose here, and for that I am grateful.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Source of the Nile
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Sunrise to Sunset
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Beeeeep. BEEEEEEP. The alarm clock sounded at 5:50 AM on this particular Saturday morning. Tim and I hopped into the van at 6 AM and drove a short piece up the road before picking up our team-mates, Josiah and Sarah. We drove into town and parked at the base of Soroti rock. Soroti is a small city that is build around a random rock that soars over the downtown area. The goal was to watch the sunrise.
With water bottles or Bibles in our hands and songs in our hearts we began the climb. A railing guides most of the way, with jagged steps cut out of the rock. The view was incredible. I must admit that I needed more help finding proper crevices and foot holdings than the goats who managed to find their way above the city.
As we sat above Soroti, we tried to put in perspective where everything is - market, internet cafe, our neighbourhood, church, etc. But we also took some quiet time to sit with God and watch His amazing creation. The sunrise brought everything to life. I was filled with a heart of prayer and love for the people of this city... especially as the mosques and temples seemed to be the more dominant buildings in the downtown area.
Later in the morning I watched Avalien and Moses help Tim in the garden. A kids wagon was filled with dirt to collect all the manure maggots that were being dug up. Disgustingly huge and juicy. Tim was saving them as food for the chickens. MMM, Yummy!
Friday, May 1, 2009
Tim Told me to Tell You
From Monday to Wednesday we, as a team, went to Jinja for a spiritual retreat. It was a very encouraging time... to relax right beside the source of the Nile and spend time worshipping together. 12 of us were super pumped about being able to sing together in the fashion that we love more - simply with a guitar and accordian. We also gathered for Bible studies on emptying of ourselves, being filled with the Spirit, and going out to serve with the amazing love of Christ.
As a team we rented a boat and road up the Nile for an our. The resort we were staying at is right on Lake Victoria, but just two minutes away the Nile begins. We looked at beautiful trees and even caught a glimpse of a few monkeys in the trees, high up on a cliff. Absolutely stunning!
On Thursday morning I went to the Indian Embassy to begin processing a tourist visa. I will be attending a wedding in India in June. Nervously I left my passport at the embassy and they say it may take at least a week to process.
How do you buy furniture in Kampala? You find the furniture street and begin walking up and down... searching out the perfect simply made piece and then begin bartering for a reasonable price. Then, once the piece has been selected, walk all the way back to the van, with a strong man carrying your furniture, and tie it to the rack on top of the van. We purchased four bedside tables with drawers, a bathroom unit, and two dressers... all for the guest house I am living in.
Well, now I have to pack up my room. We are heading to the market before driving the six hours back to Soroti. I needed this little getaway... I am ready for action once again.