Peter called one day and asked me if we could meet in town for tea... he had something to discuss. Peter had attended the 17 Stories Training, and was busy being a Sunday School teacher in his church. He had a dream to put together a 4 day kids camp while the kids were on school holidays and he wanted to know if I would help teach. The week was already organized, the budget was planned and paid for, he just wanted help teaching the stories. I was absolutely delighted.
Every day I wrapped a simple white blanket in a different fashion to play various characters - Noah, Moses, Jesus, etc.
Games were played... here two people had to untangle themselves without untying the rope at their wrists... a cool trick game that had the kids stumped for a long time.
Outside we played games like "Stop and Go" or "Red light, Green light"
On the third day a treasure hunt was planned. The children were sent off in three big groups. A few of us teachers were hiding in schools across the area... The children had maps to find us, and had to shout "YES WE CAN" based on Philippians 4:13. I was Jesus at the first stop... you can even see the first boy entering the classroom, he was carrying a bag of dirt, representing his burdens that he was going to lay down at the feet of Jesus.
They had to memorize a Scripture verse and then continue on their way.
I raced off to my second location after all three groups had found me...
While the kids went to find more schools, more treasures, and learn more verses.
In the end, the children had to climb a huge rock and share their memory verses...
From there... Jesus would let them into heaven.
Welcoming the little children
Not a good photo, but do you see me up in heaven, watching over the sheep as they go back down.
The kids were hot and exhausted after a 3 hour trek.
They raced back to the church as fast as they could to get their rice and beans.
Teachers also enjoyed the break... but what a great afternoon.
The children were so excited to receive a soda on such a fun-filled day.
Many of the kids begged to have an over-night on Thursday night. Overnights are common in Uganda - a night dedicated to prayer and worship. The teachers didn't want to host it really, they were so tired, and I couldn't make it, but the kids begged. They said, "Teacher, we need to have an overnight... because when we pray... people will be healed!" Who can say no?
I made sure to send my prayer requests to that group of prayer warriors.
The next morning we gathered for breakfast - millet porridge was on the menu.
Then again, we had a time for prayer.
More games - water had to be passed down the line, whichever group kept the most water won.
I don't know why this photo comes up sideways, but I was the Nile River, where the Princess found baby Moses in a re-enactment that my group had to do.
I also played the role of Zipporah in the desert. Moses was beaming!
At the end of the week, each child received at Manga Messiah Bible and a Christian newspaper.
I think the kids went home happy and blessed.
And all of us teachers celebrated a week well spent!! God is Good. All the Time... and that is His Nature!
What an amazing week. Thank you for sharing.