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Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Modernizing Ken and Barbie

In our spare room, I have a shelf with my treasured childhood toys or traveling memories. A Cabbage Patch doll named Grabrielle Dominique (Gabby), a wrinkles dog (Sam), my first knitted bear, a twin to Bones, Pinky - the bear I received for Christmas when I was one, along with a paper doll from Japan and a Rwandese doll.  I keep them high, so that kids don't play with them, as there is a toy box full of dolls and toys under the shelf.
Recently though, we have been having the girls stay with us more, and neighbour kids over for slumber parties, and a slew of other guests.  I haven't always had time to mention to every new group, that the treasured shelf is not to really be played with.  And so, one day, a preteen came out of the spare room with a huge smile on her face.  She had modernized Ken and Barbie.  Barbie's ballgown dress was cut off and she was given leggings made from the bottom of Ken's workout trouser.  Shock and tears immediately came out of my eyes, but I soon calmed down and I tried to let the child know that all would be well.  
My mind did process a lot though - that rules are important, that children here have not really learned to be good stewards of things, even when it doesn't belong to them, and that those silly dolls meant more to me than I thought.
But I have also learned - that things are just things.  Life changes all the time and doesn't stay the same. I need to store up treasures in heaven and let go of the things of this world. 
And that doesn't just mean earthly treasures or tangible items, it also mean time and talents. These empty swings remind me of how life just became quiet yet again.  We have just finished week one of a six week lock down here in Uganda again, and it's hard. Ontario just reopened, so I know we are not alone in this, but things get cut off so quickly.  Radio programs are now on hold.  Birthday travels are postponed. I still can't sing because of vocal problems. No more church gatherings or trainings for a while... and Moses had just got back on the pulpit.
But it's okay!! We are healthy, and we are home. The Lord continues to show us other things to do - like resting in Him, digging through the Book of Matthew, editing more Roots to Fruits curriculum.  I'm almost through all of the P1 (grade one) materials, and we are helping neighbours through times of transition.
We are living at Our Call Missions, and so yesterday we helped to clean out and organize the tool shed. Since we have time, we are going to be helping this NGO organize the training building, a garage, 2 storage crates, and help out next door as they pack suitcase to move back to North America.
I know that I often crave a spicy, flavorFULL life, but God knows what's in the mix, and I shall once again settle into the Palm of His Hands and enjoy this next season of Covid 19 lock down.


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