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Sunday, April 10, 2011

Hanging out with Trolls

This weekend I snuck away to Hamilton to be with precious family and friends.  Coffee with a college friend.  Running errands with my Grandma and having dinner with Grandpa too.  Hanging out with a cousin doing his science fair project while chatting with my aunt.  Attending church with another aunt and uncle and sharing lunch with their seven children.  I thank God for all of them.

 Spending two nights with my nephews was the best though!  Jacob challenged me in Wii golf and bowling.  Caleb cuddled and smiled and told me about the birds at the park.
My brother, Brian, and I watched "God Grew Tired of Us" and were very intrigued by the story of the "Lost Boys" of Sudan.
"Who's That Crossing my Bridge?" shouted two adorable trolls from under the bridge. 
"It's me. It's me.  The oldest Tante Bear Troll!"
(Tante - Dutch for "Aunt" and Bear (from my nickname Karebear) is what my nephews call me... Tante Bear - I love it.)

1 comment:

  1. The pictures are awesome Karen. You likely hadn't even driven away on Sunday morning when Jacob asked for you to come back. :) It was great to see you this weekend too.
