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Friday, September 2, 2022

Random Stories

 Here are a few thoughts running through my mind as August comes to a close:

1. While driving back from Soroti with an Anglican Reverend, we had great fellowship in the car.  Just moments away from dropping off the priest at his home in the diocesan housing, he mentioned that he was previously a little nervous driving all the way back to Gulu with us. When we asked why, he said, with most couples that he drives with, the husband and wife are either silent the whole time or they are silently bickering. But he noticed that we love to be with each other- joking, singing, telling stories and testimonies, pointing out things of wonder, reminiscing the awesome conference we attended and more. He said it was a blessing to travel with us. Hallelujah! May our marriage be a testimony.

2. Moses and I travelled to Soroti for a 5 day Pastors conference, put on by the LEMA (Leadership Education and Missions in Africa) Institute.  I stayed at the registration table most of the week, as there were over 240 participants and the hosts from Michigan didn't understand the local names or the local English.  For example: "Excuse me, where does one go for a long call or short call?" Our hosts thought that a phone was being requested, but no, that question is asking "Where are the toilets?" A short call is number 1 and a long call is number 2. Are we together?!

3. We attended a great workshop on Spiritual Warfare by Professor Ruth Veltkamp. She spoke about demon possession in unbelievers and demon influence amongst believers. Then she also challenged us to not only forgive our enemies or those who have hurt us, but to pray for them and BLESS them.  That's another level!! We are trying to change our prayers now. The Lord is faithful!

4. It's a special day as a teacher when one of your students invites you as a guest to his 8th birthday party, along with the rest of the boys in his class for a pool party.  Birthdays are worth celebrating!

5. At Gulu Globetrotters we wrapped up Term 2 out of 3 for this year. We have almost made our way through the 75 Stories of Hope curriculum and the kids have nailed all of the hand motions. We had a special presentation at an arts exhibition. The kids are grasping the Stories of God well and truly understanding the Hope that we have in Christ Jesus. At the moment we have a two week break, but I'm excited to be back in the classroom again soon.  For three weeks I also stepped in as a substitute teacher in the Independent Learning class. I had to oversee all the students as they logged onto their own devices for Mathletics or Spellzone, or played podcasts and science videos that led to great learning conversations. I can see how my mom loves being a teacher!

Microphone Mondays or Water Bottle Tuesdays is what I do as a time of review... pretending to be a Radio show host at GGT FM. This time many of the parents, sponsors, and friends were able to participate in the term end Bible review time.

6. Rainy season has been refreshing. The land is so green!

7. I'm still plugging through the Roots to Fruits curriculum, editing the materials that have been printed this year. It is our prayer that many schools will use this Bible based, holistic curriculum. 

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