The first day of summer has arrived, and I'm still curling up with a fuzzy blanket, trying to warm up in the now air-conditioned homes. I have finally found time to breathe, read, and rest. I have been on the road for the past two months and last weekend I finally crashed. I still had people to catch up with, but I'm sad to say that I was exhausted and I didn't give friends the energy and excitement I think they deserved.
Home Service is never easy. Some people think I'm here on vacation, but honestly, it's not a holiday. I have been in a different church almost every weekend since returning to Ontario. I have LOVED sharing God's stories of what's going on in Uganda, and meeting with some amazing people in the churches, but traveling from town to town, home to home has worn me out. I would describe the last two months as a couch surfing tour. I have slept on at least 18 different beds and have logged in over 7000km on a car I've been gifted for the summer.

Looking back, I have had some pretty cool God moments. One I remember happened while picking up a Kijiji item in London. The owner of the item purchased noticed my plaited hair and I soon shared that I was a missionary in Uganda. He said "Christian Missions?" Yes... which led to him inviting me and sharing a very sad story. He is a pastor's kid and he no longer believes in Jesus. He insists that Christianity is a religion that instills fear and insecurity. For an hour, we sat at his kitchen table, while I shared my testimony of giving all fears to God. And because I know I am a child of God, my insecurities are small. I truly value the fact that I am a daughter of the King - that I am loved, wanted, and treasured. I walked away from that home - thanking God that I was able to share God's truths with this man, and praying that God would touch his heart.
Other God appointments have been with meeting with friends, relatives, and supporters - just talking about how I see God moving in Soroti. I am so grateful for the people who are praying for me, writing letters or emails, or sharing their financial donations for the ministry. I am not in Uganda alone... and it's not just that the Lord is with me... I feel like a have a team of people serving alongside of me. I have cherished many moments of sitting around campfires, sharing meals, or curling up on couches and in a stretching way - I look forward to 2 more months of couch surfing around Ontario.
The longer I'm gone from the Uganda I love, the harder it is to share about the work going on though - my hair is no longer braided - so my appearance doesn't open cool doors for conversation... I feel too far away from the ministries that are continuing to happen. I don't know where to fit in... Canada is no longer my home, and yet I love and need this place and people. Thankfully Abba Father is with me each and every day, at every place. O, the journey...