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Friday, February 28, 2025

February Favourites 2025


We have realized that not everyone is on social media, and there are still some blog readers out there, so I am updating here once again.
Soul Sistaz started up again at church. 
Soul Sistaz is a Friday evening program of Bible study, fellowship and accountability. The Men of Honor also meet on this night.
While at a Life Essentials retreat, us ladies had to break away from the men to discuss the book called The Measure of a Woman.
And we "relaxed" in a beauty session. I was way out of my element as I placed foundation, creams, lotions, colours, eyeliners, and lip gloss on my willing victim. I wasn't so comfortable with extra make-up, and certainly no foundations, so the ladies volunteered to braid my hair. Ah, heaven!
We spent one week in Kampala while Moses co-trained 80 church leaders and NGO workers on Helping Without Hurting in Africa. The 5-day seminar had great discussions, great cultural insights, along with stirring emotions and a slight wonder of "will things ever change?".
We ate well every day - rice pilau, matoke (plaintains smashed) with gnut (peanut paste), greens, and meet - either chicken, beef, or goat. 
I am almost finished being trained in this curriculum, so that Moses and I can train together in northern Uganda. We enjoy training together, and it saves the budget of us sharing vehicles and rooms, :) rather than bringing in another trainer from somewhere else. The information is really too much for one person to lead the curriculum, so a team we shall be.
We accidentally, or purposely, came home with another sweet dog. ZORO.
She is a Boerboel/German Shepherd mix and should grow up to be a big guard dog.
Sunday school has moved outside for a few weeks because the hot dry season is upon us and fresh air is needed more than the stuff classroom. It's hard to keep the children within boundaries though.
The discussions were lively as we tried to discuss alleviating poverty or helping without hurting.
We were 3 expats in a room with 80 church leaders and NGO workers, and I must say that I was culturally and emotionally stretched. And I once again learned that laughter is how many Ugandans process trauma and hardships.
Moses did a great job leading long sections of the workshop.
He enjoyed working alongside the authors of the curriculum - Anthony Sytsma and Jonny Kabiswa.
I am hoping to finish the course so that I can become a trainer alongside Moses.
Moses bumped into one of our bridesmaids in Kampala - at the supermarket. I ended up going to church with her the next day and sharing a meal at her house.
We attended Eric's graduation party in Kampala. Moses was asked to be a motivational speaker and to pray over the graduates.
Three Sunday school children were blessed with a Bible, pen and journal as they aged out of Sunday school. One young man cried tears of delight when he received his own personal copy of God's Word. He just sat in his chair, with his head buried in his hands, and let the tears flow. Hallelujah.
Apparently some church members were missing me while we were down country, so they created this AI version.
Moses took me out for German food for Valentine's.
I love hanging out with my bestie!
Make-up is done
Feeling good!
It looks like we had another break-in at church. This time it was the termites who made themselves at home. I'm always amazed at how quickly a mound can be built up overnight.
After two years, I finally got up with Toto Hallelujah. She is one of my adopted mothers in Uganda, and her daughter Rose is one of my sweet besties here.
On the northern express highway in Kampala, on our way to the workshop every day. It's rare when the traffic is so light. Normally traffic is chaotic.
Moses invited anyone who wanted to play on Sunday night, to join him out at World Embrace's Gulu City park.
Apparently Moses thinks he's a winner.  :)
Church family
University students just love photo shoots. :) And we love them!
This week was a good week - I got two packages at the post office!! One was a book of short stories, that surprisingly contained a mystery chapter that I wrote back in 2012, as part of the Writer's Nest. It put a smile on my face to have another piece of writing published.
The second one was a delightful Christmas package from my long-time friend, Michelle. Treats and treasures, a note and home-made love from the kitchen.  Thanks for blessing my heart!
I wouldn't move to Uganda for the food. I would probably choose Thailand. But I still have my favourite foods here. And Rose's lentils (choroko), with friend pork, greens, and cornmeal (posho) is one of them.
Dry season is upon us. The temperatures are around 38 degrees centigrade and when the wind is blowing it reminds me of the times I have spend in the desert in northern Kenya. We think we see rain clouds in the distance, but it might be wishful thinking.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Just Happened in January

 The month of January is set aside for prayer and fasting as a church. Every day, everyone in the church WhatsApp groups received prayer requests that pointed us to specific things to pray for at UCC, in the community, in university campuses around Uganda, and personally within the congregation. 
Five nights a week, those who were able, gathered at church to share a time of prayer and then break the fast at 6pm with tea and a snack.
Then on the weekends all are invited to either our home or the home of our Pastor Jimmy and Phionah's. One weekend we hosted 17 people and two weeks later 22 people crammed into our sitting and dining rooms.
A praying family
I love the trousers I found at the second hand market!! Bell bottoms or flares.
Celebrating Erick's graduation from Gulu University.
Glad Grads
Celebrating the grand accomplishments of many.
The African sunsets glorify our God!
Hosting at home
Prepping for a Timothy Leadership Training
I made sure all the manuals were printed for our last module in the Kitgum cohort.
Fear Not - a discussion on spiritual warfare. Of which I hope to write another blog post soon. I learned so much from these amazing church leaders.
A lot of our topics keep us in God's Holy Word.
I loved these wooden stools at the edge of the church platform.
We have finished 6 modules with this faithful crew and look forward to having a graduation ceremony in the next two months. Action plans first need enough time to come into fruition.
Moses is such a passionate trainer
On break with the ladies
Moses loves these pups. Actually, they are already 2! They have been a great addition to our family.
New Year's Eve fun
Family portraits
Oh my heart!
Squeezed into Sunday school
Hosting again
Lord, bless this house
"As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord"
Joining together in worship.
Twinning with my bestie!
One of the creative pieces that came out of the Spiritual Warfare talks.
I found this paper in the church - it's the Fruit translated into the Acholi language.
Praying for break throughs from generational curses
During Christmas, a few kids gathered at the back of the church, to colour while the sermons was being preached.
Just sharing one of our favourite meals... fish. This is fresh tilapia, but I also love the smoke dried tilapia cooked with peanut sauce and poured over rice. With fresh avocado on the side. Yum Yum.

Come on over.