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Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Catching up with the Odels

Well friends, we have done it again.  We filled our calendar with lots of exciting ministry events and opportunities.
The LEMA institute put on a huge conference in Soroti, and as partners to Resonate Global Mission, we attended and served alongside 250 pastors from Teso Region. It was a great week of worship, accountability, spiritual strengthening, and workshops.
Groups sessions

The Bible class put on a fun presentation of all the hand motions we have learned this year.  I'm delighted that they have chronologically memorized many characters and stories that point to the Grace of Christ.
I continue to teach Bible every day at Gulu Globetrotters and now we are learning hand motions for every book of the Bible.  So fun! Here I am prepping descriptions of each book of the Scriptures. Moses asked if there are any pictures of me without glasses, but sadly, people, reading glasses are the new ugly norm in my life.  Either on my nose or on my forehead the way my Dad wears them.  Hihi.
We waited for months for a new shipment of discipleship and Sunday school curriculum to arrive from the printers in Kenya.  Hallelujah! I am gearing up for more trainings, to equip churches with these resources for their children and youth.
In my spare time I have made a few Christmas cards... be prepared for one to come your way.  You know that if I have your address, you WILL get snail mail.  :)
Last month we spent some time in Kampala to get further testing on some of my health issues.  After a dental visit, I went to visit an ENT, who sent me to a surgeon.  The surgeon booked me for an endoscopy 2 days later and it showed a hiatal hernia, stomach polyps and serious acid reflux.  I'm now on a major diet change.  Then I was off to a lung specialist for a spirometry test, I have weak lungs, but they seem okay - even after a chest x-ray and CT scan.  There is really no explanation for the cough in my throat.  I am not only losing my singing voice, but also my teaching voice.  Lord, help me!
Sometimes we just need to get pampered.
A wonderful friend spent a few hours making me feel beautiful.
Roots to Fruits held a small training, to equip schools on how to use this amazing Christian school curriculum better and to become regional helpers in the knowledge of the curriculum.  We pray that we can have Grade 5 off to the printers by November.  Every year a grade level is being added.  In two years we will have nursery and primary school finished!
I've shared these pictures many times, but Moses loves his goat offals and intestines.
I don't even words... but good on him!
Last Sunday Moses was ordained!! A lifelong calling has finally come into fruition.
He preached a very powerful sermon from Paul's letter to the Colossians.  If you want to hear of see the message, reach out to me and I will try to get you a FB link.
Anointed with oil - to go out and preach the Good News and to pastor God's flock.
Please pray for Pastor Jimmy and Pastor Moses as they co-pastor at University Community Church.
Moses receives his Certificate of Ordination.

The construction site now has a 3 car garage and a storage room. John 3:16 is written in Acholi, so that our neighbours can begin to know that this home belongs to Jesus.
Two weeks ago Moses and I spent a lot of time hosting this team from Eternal City, from Pittsburgh, PA. They are a part of the ACTS 29 church planting network.  Pastor Jimmy and Phionah have been walking alongside Acts 29 for a few years, as our little church is being developed.  With this team, we hosted another pastors conference in Gulu.  Around 75 pastors came for 2 days - to be fed and encouraged in the Word and in ministry.
These fun people helped serve all the pastors during the conference.
I can't even begin to describe what it means to be a part of the family of God. Joy! Pure JOY!
Allergies is affecting both of us right now. Moses is sneezing all day and I had a bizarre eye reaction.
Finally, old and new sisters in the Lord... fellowship is sweet.

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