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Tuesday, May 12, 2020

They believed...

Today's post is a little true story that I have written because I am a part of a group called the Writer's Nest and they gave me a line of inspiration, a writing prompt, that said:
"When I told my parents  _______ they did not believe me."

They Believed

With Mother's Day just over, these are always the times to think of all the wonderful things my Mom (and Dad) have done for me.

Around 4 years of age, I was running down the stairs with my neighbor and friend, Adrian. The trapdoor unlatched and when I screamed down to my parents that Adrian's finger had been cut off, they did not believe me.  But when they saw me carrying the fingertip that had been chopped by the heavy door, they quickly believed and made sure he was on his way to the hospital quickly.

As a young girl, I loved camping trips to Cypress Lake, where we would hike trails and climb rocks.  My favourite spot was swimming in the Grotto where there is a watery hole in an open cave.  Swimming in the frigid waters, I would free dive into the hole to watch scuba divers make their way to the sunlight.  When I first told my parents that I could see the sun from the other side of the tunnel before coming back into the darkness, they did not believe me.  But Dad took the courage to follow me into the depths of the cold waters and swam with me all the way into Georgian Bay.  Mom prayed on the rocks from inside for five minutes until we surface swam back into the cave.

Around that same time, I experienced a life shaking change.  For four or five years I had been going at least twice a month to a friend's house for slumber parties, but one night I called my parents and screamed that I could not spend the night.  When I first told them I was homesick, they did not believe me.  But they soon learned the reality.  They picked me up, supported me with love, took me to counselling, and prayed for me, I'm sure, and 5 years later, while almost drifting off to sleep, I wrestled with God. When I walked downstairs the next morning and told Mom that I wanted to go to a 4-day youth conference the following month, she didn't believe me.  Although, with joy in their hearts they eagerly sent me away to grow with God.

As I grew older, I decided to go off to Bible College, and I told my parents that they had to drive me to Michigan for every school break, because I would never take public transportation, they didn't believe me.  And for four years, I never did take public transport.  But I'm sure they were people who never gave up hoping and trusting, because a few months after graduation, I flew to the Netherlands for work and took a taxi by myself for the first time.  Now my parents love how I've taken almost every mode of transportation in the world.

Eventually God led me to my beloved Africa, where I also gained a best friend.  When I told my family that I was surprisingly engaged, they didn't believe me.  But then they asked questions, trusted me, and found their way to Uganda for a beautiful wedding.

There may have been times when they didn't believe me, but they have always loved, supported and encouraged me and ultimately, THEY BELIEVED IN ME!!

1 comment:

  1. When you popped into the Writers' Nest Zoom meeting all the way from Uganda, I almost didn't believe it! But there you were! I enjoyed reading your story again. I only know you as an adventurous world traveler so it's hard to believe you ever were fearful--but a real testimony to overcoming. Maybe you'll visit again next month!
