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Thursday, April 12, 2012

March Madness

There are times in my life when I don't have time to write, or don't feel like writing anything at all... and then I remember that this is one of the ways the world keeps up with me.  So, here is a short list of all that has been happening in the past few weeks.
  • I have been following up with a few of the church leaders who attended the "17 Stories" training and have been interviewing children on the knowledge of the Bible.  I was surprised to see some children put Jesus into every story.  Jesus told Abraham he was going to have a son.  Jesus gave Moses the power to separate the Red Sea... etc... so it didn't surprise when I asked the kids to put the story pictures in chronological order that the life of Jesus came before all the Old Testament stories.
  • I traveled to Iganga for a two night getaway to attend the wedding of a good friend.  The outdoor reception started in the pouring rain, but that didn't stop the ladies from trilling or the music from playing.  I loved being away for a little breather and enjoyed being with friends that I haven't seen for three years. 
  • On that day my car also had to spend some time in the garage since I drove over a cement culvert, on top of a hill, that had the road wash away on the other side.  I needed 10 guys to push my car off the cement hump (after much discussion that I wasn't going to pay them each a dollar for 20 seconds worth of work) and then with a few friends, we crawled my car to the garage about 25 km away.  Thankfully a major fix was repaired for about $60.
  • For about a week and a half I was struggling with cultural stresses and misunderstandings.  Thankfully through much prayer and humility, I am once again excited to live and serve here.  I am glad that God teaches us how to forgive!!
  • I have been volunteering in a small stationary shop - helping the owner to organize the shelves and get a price list together.  The owner is so grateful - as it shows the customers that his prices are honest, and with the great inventory system, the business can remain even more sustainable.  Besides all that... we have wonderful discussions about God and His church!  I love the hands on work.
  • I have found a new home (I think and pray) so many things have changed in the place I am staying out now.  The dog - Pal - and the chickens moved out to the village today.  My room-mate Beckie, is in the process of packing up everything before she moves out on Saturday (as she is first going home to the US for 3 months) and I am starting to put together a shopping list of all the things I will need to settle in my new home, since the house I am now in is a furnished place.  I have to move by May 11th or life could become adventuresome for me.
  • Good Friday I went to a local church for a very uplifting service, but it sure did make me miss the somber services back home.  A quiet day to remember Jesus' death.  A few of my team-mates gathered together on Friday night to share a Passover Meal together and to join in a quiet time of worship.
  • On Sunday I loved going to a Ugandan church in the morning and then meeting with my team in the afternoon for a delicious meal, a "chocolate" hunt, a time of worship - with great music,  choreographed dancing, a monologue (which I did), and a mini-sermon.  We finished the day with an attempted volleyball game in a freak hail storm, and decided to warm up by the barbeque as a monitor lizard was being cooked for the evening snack.  A great celebration!
Well, that's my life in a nutshell at the moment, although there is probably so much more to tell!

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