The past few weeks have been rather fun. I've been living off the map a little - crashing in homes all over Ontario, going without a phone, and enjoying quality time with many great people.
On Tuesday I was supposed to meet some people for lunch. Thankfully I was able to quickly update my FB at a Tim Horton's wifi hotspot.... so I received a message that because theie house was up for sale, I had to meet these people at a restaurant. I arrived early and sat outside waiting. About 10 feet away was an elderly couple humbly handing out Gideon New Testaments and Book of John Scriptures They were situated between a very busy restaurant and a popular store to buy snacks and drinks, across from a public high school that was just dismissing for lunch hour. I was amazed to see teenage boys choose to receive the Word of God, but every girl turned it down.
While sitting on the steps of the restaurant, I decided to pray for these youth who were receiving a copy of God's Word in Canada. One young man walked past me, with a smile on his face. I heard him say "Wow! I now own a Bible, and I'm an Atheist!" I started to pray right away.
"Lord, may he not just own the Bible, but read it and come to know YOU through it."
While home, I've not only been catching up with people, I've been able to share with a few churches and groups about what God is doing in Uganda. I am so encouraged to know/see that so many people are praying for me and walking this journey with me!