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Sunday, May 23, 2010

Road Rage

For the past few weeks I have been driving past a farm that has peacocks hanging out at the end of the driveway. When I first spotted their home, I only saw one male. A few days later I was able to watch two males in a great battle of road rage.
Two boys in battle!
And then yesturday I finally saw the show I've been waiting for. A male in full colour.
He was spinning in circles, trying to show off to the little lady who was strolling past, but shortly thereafter his rival came racing through the yard... running away with the female.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Heart and Hands

"I pledge:

My head to clearer thinking,

My heart to greater loyalty,

My hands to larger service,

My health to better living,

For my club, my community, and my country."

For 7 years I repeated this motto as I attended 4H Club meetings. Honestly, I think it became more than a motto, but a lifestyle; especially for my heart and hands. For some reason I jump into projects, assignments, work, with all that I am. I do it because I care. I do it to please God. I do it for the sense of adventure.

"Calvinettes and Counselors of Lucknow, what does the Lord require of you?

To do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with our God. Micah 6:8"

This was another motto impressed upon my memory as I attended a girls club at church for many years as a tween.

I am grateful to be a human that can serve God. I am a woman with ability, personality, intellect, and I enjoy being a part of the community with others. The other day I went to a retreat where I was challenged to think about why I work. What is the difference between a job and work? God commanded work before the fall, so I know it is not good to be idle, but it is sometimes difficult to strive to do more than just look forward to the pay cheque at the end of the week.

I pray that the work that I do, either volunteer or paid, is glorifying to God. "May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be pleasing and acceptable to God."

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Liberation Day

Hiding in a haymow for almost two years, my paternal grandfather studied chatechism or whittled corn pipes to entertain himself while hiding from the Germans. He feared being drafted by the Germans to work in ammunitions plants. My maternal grandfather delivered bread in the basket of his bike, praying that he wouldn't fall into the canals while army planes flew overhead.
65 years later, my father and I drove down town Bradford, Ontario to take part in some Liberation Day celebrations and I must admit that I am proud to be Canadian (and Dutch!). Canada played a major role in helping the Netherlands become its own again. Germany surrendered Holland. A friendship between countries grew and every year since then the Netherlands sends 10,000 tulip bulbs to Ottawa.
Meeting at the town hall, a large community crowd of Dutch Canadians and local store owners gathered at the flag pole to remember the day. The mayor came, along with the colour guard to help raise the flag of the Netherlands. Two national anthems were sung, and touching moments were shared by the people around me. When the ceremony was over, we walked just a few store fronts up the street to share some coffee and Dutch treats.

The owner of "Dutch Treats" helped to create a patriotic atmosphere. Canada flags for the kids.
Most of the crowd sported a painted Dutch flag on their cheeks.
Community Unity, what more can I say!